Stay At Your Post

By Pastor Jeannette Parrott

Just like David, Joseph’s experiences on the way to 2nd in Command in Egypt, prepared him for where he was going. No lesson learned along the way was in vain or for nought. Neither are the lessons you are learning vain or useless. God can use every victory, every loss, every tear, every pain, every rejoicing, for His glory. You just stay at your post!

Look at Joseph’s life. There was a period between the “reveal” date of his dream and the “release” date when he assumed 2nd in command in Egypt. The time in between, (the waiting period) the things Joseph experienced prepared him for the position he was ordained to hold by God. When the call came, they knew right where to find Joseph. He had continued to serve faithfully in the jail (no, he did not have the freedom to leave but he did have the choice as to what attitude he was going to have while he served).

Joseph was in jail under false charges. God was the one that vindicated him and restored his reputation. In my own waiting period, there have been enemies to eradicate that threatened my family and the position that I have been ordained to hold in the future.

I have learned in the waiting, that I cannot skip TODAY trying to get to what lies ahead. Today matters. I found out God wants me to live TODAY. This is the key to contentment and living a life without regrets. I can choose to treasure each day that He gives. I have learned that the ones God has placed before me are the ones I am to serve. I know there are promises from God that will bring others into my life one day. My job is to continue to pray for those but serve the ones who are in my life now.

I have also learned that where God sends me, He will provide. If the provision dries up, then I need to find out where God is because He has moved on. This reminds me of Elijah. When the brook dried up and the ravens quit bringing food, it was because God told Elijah to go to the next place and He would speak to him there.

Some of the hardest things for us as Christians is recognizing the voice of God and God’s timing. Two very important things we need to get a handle on to live a successful Christian life. I believe the disasters or the successes in our lives are directly connected to our understanding or failure to understand these two concepts. The degree to which we have applied them to our lives is evident…it plays out in where we are in our lives.

God’s Voice – God’s Timing


God’s Voice God’s Timing


What I Have Learned While Waiting…