What I Have Learned While Waiting…
This Process Has a Purpose
By Pastor Jeannette Parrott
While I wait, I have learned that God is ALWAYs at work even when I see no evidence of it.
I’ve learned I must do my last assignment from God as if it’s the last assignment I will receive. I need to give it my all. I need to stay at my post. I have promises from God that I know are a part of my future. While I am waiting, God has admonished me not to become MIA (missing in action) or AWOL (absent without leave).
If I won’t abandon ship or my last assignment then when the call comes (and it will) to assume the position He has promised, they will know where to find me. I won’t be missing.
Remember when David was anointed king, he went back to keeping sheep. He did not assume the throne right away. However, because he continued to faithfully serve in his last assignment, when it was time to assume the throne, they knew right where to find David.
It’s also important to recognize that the things David learned in the field with those sheep were things he was going to need as a king. God helped David kill a lion, a bear, and a giant, while he was waiting to take the throne of Israel. I wonder what giants have been eradicated in your life while you have been waiting.
I know in my own life, one of the giants that has had its head cut off is FEAR. It used to be that anytime FEAR roared, I cowered down in hiding just like the Hebrew soldiers did with Goliath. Until one day when I felt like God asked me to do something that so terrified me, I thought I couldn’t ever do it. But I did it. I did it because I genuinely believed God was asking me todo it.
I loved God more than the thing I feared but I had to prove it. After I did that thing that I feared, about 2 weeks later I was riding down the street and I heard the Spirit of God say, “FEAR DIDN’T WIN THIS TIME!” I know this is one giant that does not hold the grip on my life that it held at one time.
If I was to be free, FEAR couldn’t just be talked too, or placated, it had to have its head chopped off! It had to be killed in such a manner that it could never live again! It is interesting to note that while David waited to take the throne, he killed the lion and the bear. These were direct threats to the sheep he was tending but Goliath was a threat to the nation that he would soon lead. They all had to be killed but some were threats at different levels.
One threat related to David’s present level of authority, but Goliath was a threat to his future authority. If Goliath had not been eliminated, taken out then, Goliath would have continued to threaten Israel. Please note: the threats were eliminated during David’s waiting period. Because David remained faithfully serving right where he was and waited until God placed him in his assignment, he also availed himself of the lessons God was wanting to teach him there in the field with the sheep.